(317) 760-0122 Appointment

IPL in Carmel, IN

Healthier, Brighter Skin


Harnessing the power of the light to make you look younger might sound extreme, but dig a little deeper, and it isn’t all that unrealistic. IPL, a light-based alternative to traditional skin rejuvenation therapy, illuminates a new way to make your skin as bold and bright as ever.

Dr. Emily Luerssen, Carmel IPL specialist and dedicated veteran physician, brings her top-tier expertise to the field of skin rejuvenation. See the art of beauty restoration in motion with Stillwater Skin and Med Spa, elevating patient satisfaction and helping you find new light in your look.

Carmel ipl model with brown hair

Versatile Skin Rejuvenation

What is IPL?

In 1995, the FDA authorized the first IPL device for treating telangiectasia—or spider veins—but it wasn’t long before the method saw wider use. IPL stands for “intense pulsed light,” a non-surgical option for several skin rejuvenation therapies. The device sends an arc of light energy to treat your skin, penetrating all layers without harming it. Since IPL doesn’t cause any damage and the treatment has many uses, it’s widely considered safe and just as versatile.

Carmel ipl model with brown hair

Selfie-ready Skin

What are the benefits of IPL?

Our Carmel IPL photofacials are most effective when used to treat excessive or uneven pigmentation, like age spots, sunspots, freckles, and melasma. Only a few other light-based options are able to lower the redness from broken capillaries, rosacea, and overall face flushing like this therapy does. IPL also has less-specific uses, like reducing acne discoloration and acne scarring. It’s even able to lessen wrinkles and fine lines in the skin and keep them out by helping your body produce more collagen.

Uniquely Safe

Am I a good candidate for IPL treatments?

Because of its uniquely safe delivery and minimal risk factors, most people are great candidates for IPL therapy. However, safety concerns can include harmful skin conditions, infections at the treatment site, and any underlying health issues. If you have any questions about your potential as a candidate, contact Dr. Luerssen to find the perfect treatment plan for you.

Specialized Prep Plan

Your IPL Procedure

Up to two weeks before your first IPL Carmel patients will meet with Dr. Luerssen, who will give you a specialized prep plan on what to avoid leading up to treatment. Waxing, tanning, high exposure to the sun, peels, and topical treatments containing retinol or glycolic acid are a few examples.

Your skin will be cleaned before your treatment, and an ultrasound gel is applied to make the treatment more efficient. You and your physician will wear safety glasses. The IPL device's handpiece will be held on your skin, then the light pulses are released with the push of a button.

The treatment takes between 20 and 30 minutes, depending on the region's size. After covering up the treated area, the gel is removed, and sunscreen might be applied. You’re safe to put on makeup or moisturizer as soon as your session’s over.

Breezy Recovery

IPL Recovery

Because IPL treatments don't affect the skin's surface, recovery time is minimal, but your skin still has to heal for around one week to recover fully. Right after treatment, you might notice redness or sensitivity for a few hours, but you can return to regular activities when they fade. Refraining from exercising for a couple of days is recommended to prevent extra swelling, which slows your healing. For two to three days, only use mild, gentle skin products. Scrubs or abrasive products can cause damage to your skin while it’s sensitive.

Small, pigmented patches may start to rise to the surface of your skin a week after treatment and then fall off a few days to a week later. These are normal and safe reactions. Like any skin therapy, you should always avoid long periods in the sun, and be sure to use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to be completely safe.

Carmel ipl model in grey active wear

Steady Improvement

IPL Results

Steady improvements to your skin—whether it's in discoloration, acne, scar visibility, or overall rejuvenation—tend to kick in after two to three sessions, ideally when taken in three to four-week intervals. The length of results varies by patients, their treatment location, and the traits of their skin, but touch-up appointments are considered necessary around every six months to maintain your look. Consult Dr. Luerssen to discuss the long-term of your specific treatment plan.

Carmel Stillwater Skin & Medspa office staff Dr. Luerssen

It’s Time to Show Off Your Skin

Schedule your Carmel IPL consultation with Stillwater Skin and Med Spa today

At Stillwater Skin and Med Spa, make an investment in your skin with IPL treatments. Call Stillwater Skin and Med Spa right away to schedule your appointment. Your search for the perfect beauty treatment may end with our Carmel IPL procedure!

IPLFrequently Asked Questions

The treatment may cause a prickling sensation. To keep you comfortable, Dr. Luerssen may apply an anesthetic ointment to your skin before your treatment begins, but this is usually not necessary.

There are relatively few risks with IPL, but it’s not free of them. These could include infection, bruising, blistering, more melasma, or even a change in skin tone.

Only topical numbing agents are used to numb the treatment site, so you can safely drive yourself home after being discharged.

Dr. Luerssen is a renowned physician and Medical Director with numerous awards for her service in the United States Army. With a focus on the patient and an unwavering dedication to bringing out her patients' inner glow, she raises the bar for customer satisfaction. Place your trust in Stillwater Skin & Med Spa and let Dr. Luerssen help you get your glow back! Book your appointment and learn more about our treatment options for clearer, brighter, and more vibrant skin today!

12955 Old Meridian St, UNIT 105, Carmel, IN 46032